Gonna stop blogging.. I think..

•November 21, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The title speaks for itself. I think I’m going to stop blogging.. well.. ranting,this isn’t really a diary.. lol. I’m just rating movies and ranting.

Anyway,I’m gonna stop aiye.. Well.. at least until something happens to upset me or something like that. But by then I’d probably be thinking of hanging myself. >.> <.<… So I guess I’ll see ya’ll soon.


The Social Network.

•November 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment


Basically it’s a 2 hour long sue against Mark Zuckerburg. With cut scenes in between to explain.. no rather.. it is to show you what happened. So slowly they reveal the whole thing to you. From the start where he breaks up with his girlfriend.. to the end when he loses a large sum of his money. But hey.. apparently in the movie,they mentioned that he doesn’t give a shit about money. And at the end,they mentioned that he is the world’s youngest billionaire. So a few million.. must be nothing to him.

He also lost his best friend,because he tries too hard to be an asshole. Shit happens.. his best friend and 3 other people from his Uni is trying to sue him for some shit that I couldn’t really be bothered to remember. The only thing I remember is that the 3 guys are suing him for theft.. Apparently he stole their idea. Like come on.. are you freaking children? He took your idea? So what.. If you tell me that you guys signed something.. that you publicly announce that you are doing this and blah blah blah.. ya sure. If you do it in private,you tell someone.. that guy takes it to the next level and earns billions,what can you do? Hell.. I have no freaking clue why they even won the freaking case. From my point of view,this Mark Zuckerbrug fella couldn’t care less and just tossed the money at them. He’s like.. ‘You want money? ya sure’ Then he throws it on the floor for them to pick up. But ya… he didn’t do that. Would have been cooler though.

Anyway.. It really wasn’t that interesting.. all you learn is that,the person you trusted (Mark Zuckerbrug) could screw you over (his best friend). But in the end they settled everything.. he tried to add his ex-girlfriend in Facebook and life goes on… blah blah blah.. pretty half ass ending if you tell me. But hey.. there really isn’t anything more interesting that you could do with the ending,so I suppose that’s the best they could do.

I don’t hate facebook or anything.. I just didn’t like the movie. If you’re going to tell me the whole story,they least you could do is tell me that it was like a biography and everything in that movie is 100% true. That way everyone would know about the full story. But I doubt that would happen because,it seems that they settled their little mess behind closed doors. So ya.. 4.5/10.. You ain’t getting anything better,unless you add some more interesting stuff.

The other movie I watched yesterday was uninteresting.. it was a PG horror film.. I was trying to hold my laughter in the whole movie.. and if I were to give it a rating.. it would be a 1/10.. that 1 is only because I went to watch it with my mates. So ya.. screw that shit,the movie is called ‘The Child’s Eye’. It’s a Chinese movie,blows balls… So fuck that shit.


A week and 3 days before the end of the O levels.

•November 2, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Today it was geography and PoA. If you don’t know what PoA means.. too bad. Anyway.. I got my ass handed to me by both papers. Geography and PoA paper 1. All I have to say is.. I am to blame if I don’t get the amount of points I want. Which would suck,cause I’d have to go into a different course. I just hope I get below 15 points,if not there is a rather high chance that I’ll either kill myself.. or let myself not live any longer..

Thus! my week begins! Tomorrow I shall be roaming the malls of this puny city and taking a well,not that well..not at all actually, deserved rest. Then it’s back to studying for the one subject that is very very…. likely to pull my entire grade down,or if I’m lucky and for some stupid reason my paper gets messed up with a genius.. up.

Also there will be a post about ‘The Social Network’ tomorrow.. If you follow my blog,which I doubt anyone does.. I wanted to watch it tomorrow,but I already watched it today. So ya..lol. I’m just posting it tomorrow because I’ll be watching another movie tomorrow,so it will be a double post. Or.. 2 post in one.. no ya.. a double post. Putting 2 topics into 1 is just stupid. It’s like when I spelt Cornucopia and wrote cornupia for my English exam. Which I am predicting.. the Brits are gonna laugh it up and then give me some random grade that will fuck me up cause of my ignorance.. not checking the paper and all. I can’t wait for the 21 of Jan when I see many people cry,I might be one of them.. or I’ll just kill myself. No big deal.


Screw.. This.. Shit..

•November 1, 2010 • Leave a Comment

For so long I’ve put up with all this bullshit.. all this crap people toss at me,just because that was what I assumed a good person would do. Take the bullshit that your friends toss at you,even if you’re just pulling plastic smiles every motherfucking time you meet them. I am done with all this. All the laughing at stupid jokes.. smiling at things that don’t make sense.. all this trash that humans come up with in their spare time,rather than trying to progress further they come up with shit like this.

So ya. Trying to fit in,when you’re not “normal”.. not working out,never will work out.. fuck this shit. Threating people nicely, respecting them even though they don’t deserve a single bit of respect, even acknowledging their existence.. screw it all. From now on,I’m going to have minimal contact with all those who don’t deserve,or barely deserve any respect at all.

To all who read this and are trying to do the same shit,trying to put on this mask to try to fit in with all the norms. If you succeed congrats,if you’re thinking you’re doing something wrong.. maybe,but from my experience. It was a total waste of my time. Good luck if you’re still going to try it.


This has to be one of the dumbest titles yet.

•October 31, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Well I haven’t blogged in awhile.. and I can’t think of anything to type as my title. Which is alright I suppose,cause only so many people actually read my blog or know of it.

So for the pass few weeks,the national examinations have been going on and I’m part of it. Doing the standard bullshit I’m used to,with an additional bit of revision and whatnot. The next few papers are going to be the hardest of all the subjects,because.. well.. I suck at humanities. I don’t want to be associated with humanity and trying to interact and understand them is sort of a hobby for me. Though I do have some friends,obviously.. everyone does,no matter how much of an asshole you are. You’re friends are probably assholes as well,that’s why you’re friends. If you didn’t know that and are reading this post,now you know.

Moving on.. I noticed that I’ve started hanging out with more people. It’s like a daily thing now.. In the past,in post long deleted because I can’t stand the fact that there bots spamming the comment section. Yes,I’m too lazy to untick the ‘allow comments’ box. But from now on I’m going to. So ya.. apparently I’ve made more friends than I wish to. Not that it is a bad thing,having friends who want to even be acquainted with me.

Yeah.. that will be all for now. The other post should be coming after the examinations and shit..


Love in Disguise.

•August 13, 2010 • Leave a Comment

‘Love in Disguise’ is a Chinese romance movie. Yes.. I know,you guys are probably going. ‘OMG! Lex watched a new Chinese movie?! HOLY SHIT! It’s a freaking miracle,it has to be either a porno or some animated Chinese thing his friends dragged him to!!’  Okay,maybe you guys weren’t thinking that,but I was thinking that you might be.

So ya… It was a decent movie.As you might know,if you know me.. I cry at just about every touching scene there is,even if others don’t find it so. It had comedy which was most of the show. Was rather romantic,the ending reminded me of Music and Lyrics,which btw totally rocked my socks. If you haven’t caught it,stop reading this and go watch Music and Lyrics. GO!

The people reading this either one,have already watched Music and Lyrics.. or two,they refuse to. Whichever it is,you should seriously catch Music and Lyrics.. Anyway, ‘Love in Disguise’ is a pretty good movie. Was rather hilarious at the start,kinda touching at the end. It’s pretty cliche? I don’t know if I’m using the right word,but ya. I could see through most of the story,just because… well,I’ve watched my fair share of romance/drama movies. Mostly in English,a few in french. No,I don’t understand them,there are subtitles.. Moving on~

On the whole,the movie ‘Love in Disguise’ was pretty good. I’d give it a 7/10.. somewhere around there,give or take. I really have nothing to say.. the title speaks for itself.


The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

•July 29, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Woo~~ Today,I watched it for the THIRD time. So ya… not really the best,even the first time I watched it. Pretty standard magical prodigy plot hax ending.

Starts off with a guy who knows nothing of this world. For some reason he is the kid who will inherit Merlin’s power,for some screwed up reason.. seriously nobody knows why he does,but he gets the damn power anyway. So he meets one of Merlin’s Apprentice,Balthazar, in a store when he was 10,gets into trouble,releases the bad guy,Horvath. (Standard shit) Boom.. fight pops out of some donkey’s ass. Shit happens,Balthazar and Horvath get sucked into a vase that traps people for 10 years. -skip ten years ahead-

Kid,Dave, grows up. Apparently some physics genius or something.. Has his own underground lab,does shit with tesla coils.. Balthazar and Horvath come out of their vase. Horvath first..no clue why.. So..ya. He tosses the vase out the window,trying to kill Balthazar. Obviously failing if not the show would be like.. 10 minutes long. Horvath finds Dave,Balthazar saves Dave. Shit happens,Balthazar starts training Dave to be a Sorcerer.. hahaha,funny stuff happens during training. Dave meets girl of his dreams,classmate from 10 years ago. Blah blah blah -Skipping to the end-

Horvath unleashes awesome witch that can put an end to the world as we know it. Apparently she is trapped in the body of Balthazar’s girl.She casts a spell,Balthazar tries to stop her,gets his ass handed to him by Horvath.Who now has the power of 3 sorcerers. When the spell was completed,Dave’s girl does some shit to screw it up,before it could take affect. While Dave whoops Horvath’s ass using a tesla coil that he strapped to Balthazar’s car. Zap zap zap.. Balthazar sucks the witch out using the same spell his girl used long ago. Unfortunately he couldn’t do it right,witch gets out of his body. Throws fire blast at them,Dave being the magical genius that he is. Even without the damn ring that allows him to use magic,blocks the fire. As legend says,he can use magic without the ring,so I can’t really say anything about that. But for some stupid reason,it couldn’t happen earlier.. Why? because PLOT HAX~~

Back to the story! He blocks the fire blast,everyone goes goo-goo eyed and stares at him,like they didn’t see it coming. Witchy woman whoops both Balthazar and his girl,leaving Dave to fend of the crazy thousand++ year old wrench. He pretends to shoot plasma bolts at her,actually aiming some electrical control shack. Whatever you call that thing. Basically,he charges the thing up. Moves cables to lights in the area and turns the whole place into his tesla coil lab. Zap zap zap,another one owned by Physics. Then he shoots the same plasma bolt,just that for some reason he could shoot them about a million times.. He did the same kind of charging..and a million bolts came out. -_-..

-Plot hole-

Now! What I don’t get is,why didn’t he get zapped as well? I mean,for Horvath it was obvious.. he had so many damn metal objects on his damn staff.. Unfortunately,there was a freaking metal fence right next to them. Obviously tesla coils aren’t made to be aimed… Seriously,plot hax mania. Then,I don’t get why when the whole place is his tesla coil lab.. He is standing right next to the damn witch lady and he doesn’t get zapped. God damn it. And after everything he starts shooting plasma bolts like a machine gun,raping her 9000 times over with plasma bolts that she dodged so easily about 8 seconds before.

-rating- 3/10

Not the best movie in the world. Okay.. basically it’s a ghost rider version of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,yes the mickey mouse one..

Good luck if you’re gonna watch it,but ya.. loads of plot holes,plot hax to no end.. Seriously.. 1 week,then we’re whooping the big boss. You can’t even do that in Pokemon. Personally I went today just to accompany my mates,watching it with your mates it’s pretty fun. So I pumped it up by 1 for that. Congrats.


3 times I watched this!!

Starting to Prep.

•July 24, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I’m taking my O levels this year,if you know me then you should probably know that already. It’s one of those exams that can really screw up your life. So I’m starting to prep for it,I have a month +.. I think.. Anyway,I have to grade myself based on the up coming prelims. Which,if I fail.. I’m going to freaking rage,study like mad,start dying my hair black and putting on make up to cover up my eye bags.

I’ve never done anything like that before,so I can’t really be sure.. but obviously I’m going to kill myself if I fail my O levels. Okay,maybe not fail my O levels.. just.. if I’m not able to get into the course of my choice. Ya,that’s better. Anyway,to all you who are studying,revising.. blah blah blah for your end of year examinations. Good luck..don’t screw it up.


Oh yay~..

•July 24, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Awesomeness.. It’s 1.15am,I just got back home from a BBQ. Had a lot of fun,but I’m probably gonna get screwed over 9000 times tomorrow morning. Parents gonna nag.. gonna go blah blah blah about me being out so late.. blah blah blah.. you’re grounded. Woot~ Yes,obviously that’s the natural thing for parents and when you get home way… pass your curfew.

BUT! They always happen to forget one thing. I was brought up by good parents,thought well and thought how to be a “gentleman”. Father thought me to look after the girl friends,sisters,my mother.. etc. So,to be honest.. I don’t really understand why I should be scolded when I send girls home because it is the middle of the night. Like.. come on,seriously? The best part,they tell me not to bring these kind of things into the conversation. So when they ask me why I am late.. THERE IS NO FREAKING REASON,apparently I just happen to be late because I took trip around Singapore stopping at places my friends happen to stay at and then I went home. Spending over $20 for the cab ride,just because I wanted to go check out my friends place? WTF?

Next time,I’m coming up with an excuse like.. I got attacked by monkeys,they were trying to mug me so they could take a cab ride to my friends’ place,then they sent me back home and tossed my wallet and stuff at me and ran off. That would be a better excuse would it? God.. You teach your son to be a good person and you expect him to do the exact opposite of whatever the shit you thought him. Congrats..you rock.


Just got back from party,feeling like crap.. + beer + eggs + flour + water + sand in my pants. So.. yeah.. Yay~.. -_-.


•July 13, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Hello people who read my blog for some reason. This is my first post for my “new” blog.. Not really very new. Well.. there have been ideas coming from a few of my mates,saying that I should poster something creative. Like.. duh.. So,I’ve been thinking.. I should write a story. Great idea right?  Correct. Unfortunately,I suck at writing this kind of stuff. Yeah… -End paragraph-

SO! After a long.. I don’t know how many days,take this date minus the last post.. do the math..Ya,after a long time,I’ve realised that I can’t really do much shit which is creative. Gonna just have to post random things,things I find awesome..things I find cool.. whatever,random stuff. May post some Chemistry stuff,I guess.. was thinking about doing this wine making thing. Cause I just learnt awesome stuff from my Chem teacher,about fermentation and alcohol.. and blah blah blah.. Yeeeahh.

Hope it works out and I don’t poison myself or something..


If I actually make wine or something.. cool. Gonna be hard as hell though.